Online food orders
Revenue to be
Multiple fundraising
streams we have
Services our Merchants offer
In-office Catering
Corporate Catering
Social Catering
Wedding Catering
Movie Production Catering
Festival Catering
Why do 91% of companies Love working with BypassLines?
Get new customers
Our catering fundraising model attracts a diverse audience, expands your customer base easily. Connect with new supporters who are passionate about your cause & eager to contribute in a fast & easy way!
Business opportunities
No more middlemen or intermediaries. Build your own fundraising network with us. Create lasting relationships & provide the best catering services that set you apart from the competition.
Increased sales
Engage your customer’s taste buds with BypassLines & convert your fundraising efforts into a sales powerhouse. Indulging them in your delectable offerings, you will get loyal patrons to drive sales & revenue for your business.
Marketing and support
Catering fundraising with us is more than just food. Our dedicated team ensures that your events receive the attention they deserve. From promoting your cause to engaging with attendees, we’re here to fuel your success every step of the way.
Open door to partnership
Get new opportunities to connect with business organizations and industry partners including like-minded communities, influencers, and philanthropists to root long-term relationships for increasing order purchases and drive business growth today!
Credibility & visibility
Aligning with BypassLines catering fundraising depicts your commitment to social impact & community engagement. Watch as your credibility soars & your food business gains visibility, attracting loyal customers who support your cause.
BypassLines vs Traditional caterer
We offer best product offers and deals based on less tax deduction and best net investment.
Traditional Caterers
- Sale Price
- $1400.00
- Fees
- 7.5%
- Estimated Closing Costs
- 2%
- Estimated Seller Concessions
- 2%
- Tax
- Estimated Net Investment
- $1680.00
- High closing costs
- High tax deduction
- Average net estimation
- Sale Price
- $1200.00
- Fees
- 6.5%
- Estimated Closing Costs
- 1%
- Estimated Seller Concessions
- 2%
- Tax
- Estimated Net Investment
- $1280.00
- Low closing costs
- Less tax deduction
- Best net estimation
Success stories
Our catering fundraising platform boasts an exceptional
track record of raising funds through food orders. Tap
into the power of delicious cuisine and convenience, as
we revolutionize the way you fundraise.
Join us and experience the success of raising funds one
delectable order at a time!
Our fundraisers
have stories to tell
Thanks to BypassLines:
“I could easily raise funds for my nonprofit
organization using BypassLines. The platform is
easy to use, customizable, and the fundraising
events were a huge success.”
Liza – Nonprofit Organization
Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)
What is BypassLines catering fundraising?
BypassLines is a fundraising website that helps in raising funds for universities, schools, higher education institutions, nonprofits and charities.
How does BypassLines catering fundraising work?
We onboard catering businesses on our website and provide them a great platform to list products and get amazing benefits of their purchase and raising funds easily.
What are the benefits of organizing a catering fundraiser?
There are many benefits of organizing a catering fundraiser like: brand awareness, product sales, increase revenue, relationship building, customization, extend reach, fundraising potential, etc.
How can catering fundraising help me raise more funds for my cause?
Increased revenue potential, wider audience reach, convenience and ease, customization and branding, enhanced donor engagement, networking and partnership, promotion and marketing support.
Can I choose menu for my catering fundraiser?
At BypassLines, you are easily upload the details of your catering business along with all details like pricing, taxes and availability slots.
What types of events are suitable for BypassLines catering fundraising?
Food festivals, online retailing, catering and food delivery are suitable for BypassLines catering fundraising.
BypassLines: Your one stop
shop for catering business
Get more orders, and more profit today!