Students turned their
dreams into reality
Highest rate of
campaign success
To be contributed in
worldwide communities
Join our winning team of
University fundraisers
Universities and educational charitable organizations are looking for ways to support their communities and raise funds at the same time. Our partners want to not only engage their supporters, staff, students and alumni, but create unprecedented monetary support to local businesses and increase their donations at the same time at no cost to them.
Features of online
fundraising for Universities
Access all effective features that will help your university to grow and students to
plan their future projects.
User-friendly Interface
Collaborative Partnerships
Alumni Engagement
Data Security
100+ U.S. Cities
TLS/SSL Encryption
Easy Payment Integration
Dedicated Funding Webpage
Support Local Merchants
How does BypassLines
Create a free account
To raise funds or donate, users can easily sign in to create an
account on the BypassLines by providing basic details like
the organization’s name, fundraising goals, target audience,
and financial needs.
Build your university funding network
Creating your funding network is easy. Simply partner and onboard
an unlimited number of local merchants you want to support. When
your supporters shop or order you get donations. The more merchants
you have in your network, the more donations you get!
Start getting donations
Start getting donations from your existing operations, Universities
can benefit when students, and staff eat on-campus food vendors.
Onboard your oncampus food vendors onto bypasslines and when
your faculty or students order, you get paid.
Why choose BypassLines for
University fundraising?
User-friendly platform
At BypassLines: the best online fundraising platform, you don’t
need to be a tech genius to start raising funds for your university.
Our platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Within a few
clicks, you can begin university fundraising right away.
24*7 support
At BypassLines, our fundraising experts
provide continuous support & guidance
to universities throughout online
fundraising process, ensuring that
donation campaigns are successful, &
productive to achieve goals.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

Why do universities need to raise funds?
Universities need to raise funds to support different educational and
research programs, maintain facilities, improve infrastructure, and fund
financial aid and scholarships. Fundraising for universities also helps them
to achieve their goals and make a great impact in the world.

Why should you choose BypassLines for university fundraising?
We stand for the causes that can benefit the universities to raise funds. By
choosing us, you will partner with world-famous brands & retailers to
purchase products to support different fundraising needs. From choosing
the right tools & strategies to designing an effective campaign, we stand by
you till you meet your goals.

What are some benefits of donating to a university?
Supporting a worthy cause by donating funds to a university can have
numerous benefits, such as recognition in university publications, access
to university events and programs, and networking opportunities with other
potential donors and university leaders.

Can I direct my donation to a specific scholarship or financial aid program at the university?
You can select a specific financial aid program or scholarship to raise
donations. It will also motivate others to support the students who have
turned their dreams into reality.

Are donations to universities through BypassLines tax deductible?
Yes, donations to universities are tax deductible. For more information,
contact BypassLines customer support at support@bypasslines.com

Can I see the donation amount and its operating flow?
BypassLines allows donors to access the dashboard to look into the accessibility
of funds and their movement to support universities and students.
Empower the next generation of
Leaders & Innovators
Join us to become a part of the change in students’ lives now!